
How to Install php

How To Install PHP 5.3.29 in Ubuntu 20.04

We all know that PHP 5.3.29 is an outdated version, and it is strongly recommended to use a more recent and supported version of PHP due to security and performance reasons. If you specifically require PHP 5.3.29, please note that installing it on a modern Ubuntu 20.04 system may not be straightforward. The purpose of …

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Resetting forgotten phpmyadmin password in Ubuntu

phpMyAdmin is a popular web-based application used to manage MySQL databases. However, forgetting the password for your phpMyAdmin account can be a frustrating experience. This blog post will provide a step-by-step guide on resetting your forgotten phpMyAdmin password in Ubuntu. By following these instructions, you can regain access to your MySQL databases. Step 1: Access …

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How to Build a PHP MySQL CRUD Application

A CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) application is essential in web development. It allows users to perform basic operations on data. This tutorial will use PHP and MySQL to create a simple CRUD application. We’ll start by creating a database and table to store data. Then, we’ll create PHP files to perform CRUD operations. …

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How to export database from phpMyAdmin XAMPP

Log into phpMyAdmin. On the left-hand side of the phpMyAdmin dashboard, it shows the list of all databases available then click on the database you want to export. 3. Click the Export tab on the top menu bar. 4. phpMyAdmin has two export options: Quick and Custom. If you’re not familiar with SQL tables or want the simplest way, select Quick. …

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How do I import a database to phpMyAdmin?

STEP 1: Go to phpMyAdmin, click Databases in the top menu, and create a database. STEP 2: Click the database that you have created, then click on the Import button located at the top center. STEP 3: Under File to Import, click Choose file and select the database file you want to import. This is an .sql or .zip-file. STEP …

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