
Overview of a Common Directory Structure for a Python Flask Web App

This is a directory structure commonly used for a Python Flask web application, which is a microweb framework for Python. The structure helps keep the code organized and easy to understand, with separate directories for the main package, static assets, tests, and instance-specific configuration files. It also includes files for models, routes, templates, and dependencies. …

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CodeCombat: Learn Coding While Playing

CodeCombat is a unique and exciting way to learn to code. It is an online game that teaches programming through a series of interactive puzzles and battles with other players. The designers created the game to teach programming concepts through real-world examples to both beginners and advanced coders. Gameplay In CodeCombat, players navigate through various …

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Python Pillow Library: Introduction

Overview Excited to learn about image processing in Python? Look no further! Python Pillow is a powerful library that offers a wide range of features for processing and manipulating images. This library is a must-have for anyone interested in working with images in Python. Importance of Image Processing in Python Image processing is a crucial …

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Get Started with Pygame: A Step-by-Step Installation Guide

Overview Unleash your inner gamer with Pygame! This open-source library is the perfect toolkit for beginner and hobbyist game developers who want to bring their creative visions to life with Python. Say goodbye to complicated programming languages and hello to an exciting world of colorful graphics, pulse-pounding sound effects, and unforgettable musical scores. With Pygame, …

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Introduction to Data Visualization with Anaconda, Pandas, and Matplotlib

Data Visualization and Anaconda Data visualization is a critical aspect of data analysis and data science. It helps us to understand the data, uncover patterns and relationships, and communicate insights. Today, we will learn how to use Anaconda, Pandas, and Matplotlib to create data visualizations. Anaconda is a free and open-source distribution of the Python …

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What is Image Augmentation?

Image augmentation is a computer vision approach for producing variations of existing images to artificially expand a dataset. Transformative techniques including rotation, translation, flipping, cropping, adding noise, and adjusting brightness and contrast can be used to achieve this. Preventing overfitting, boosting robustness, and improving the model’s resiliency to picture changes are the objectives. Image augmentation …

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Arithmetic Operations with methods in python

Introduction Arithmetic Operators in Python can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation, and modulus operators. In this blog, I am going to teach you how to do 4 basic arithmetic operations with methods in Python. Creating Functions Before we go into the meat and potatoes if this topic, let us first initialize our functions. In …

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Iris Classification using Logistic Regression

Logistic regression is the best regression approach to utilize when the dependent variable is dichotomous (binary). Like other regression studies, logistic regression is a predictive analysis. Logistic regression is a statistical approach for defining and explaining the relationship between one dependent binary variable and one or more independent variables that are nominal, ordinal, interval, or …

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How to Fix “AttributeError: module ‘tensorflow’ has no attribute ‘placeholder’.” in Visual Studio Code

If you are new to Python and on your way to trying out in making a Machine Learning script and using TensorFlow. As you go your way in coding, and decided to test and run the program. An error appeared stating “AttributeError: Module ‘Tensorflow’ Has No Attribute ‘Placeholder’“. Then this article will provide you the fix …

How to Fix “AttributeError: module ‘tensorflow’ has no attribute ‘placeholder’.” in Visual Studio Code Read More »