DigitalOcean Droplet

Digitalocean Droplet

A Droplet is a virtual machine provided by DigitalOcean, a cloud computing platform. It provides users with the ability to deploy, manage, and scale applications on the cloud. Each Droplet is a self-contained virtual environment with its own operating system, memory, storage, and processing resources. Creating your own droplet When you log in to your …

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How To Make A Snapshot Of A DigitalOcean Droplet

Snapshots are on-demand disk images of DigitalOcean Droplets and volumes saved to your account. You can utilize them to create new Droplets and volumes with the same contents. The first thing you need to do is head over to your DigitalOcean dashboard and under “Manage” click on “Images“. Under the images proceed to “Snapshots“. Based …

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How to Destroy a DigitalOcean Droplet

A droplet on DigitalOcean is a Linux-based VM that runs on top of virtualized hardware. You can utilize each Droplet you construct as a new server either standalone or as a part of a larger cloud infrastructure. However, if you wish to destroy a droplet in this cloud infra. provider, proceed with the guide that …

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