Tables are an essential component of data display, not just in spreadsheets. A table is a collection of information or data that is typically organized in rows and columns but can occasionally have a more complex structure. That is why today I am going to cover how to use tables in flutter.
For more details about the table layout algorithm, see RenderTable. To control the alignment of children, see TableCell. Check the official docs here: https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/widgets/Table-class.html
However, if you only have one row, the Row widget is better suited. If you simply need one column, the SliverList or Column widgets are better options.
If you check the official Flutter docs, there are a lot of properties you can use on the Table widget, but I am only going to use four. To demonstrate the properties on how to use tables in Flutter, you can check what it does below.
- border – For painting the table’s outer and internal divisions, use this style.
- children – For rows of the table. It accepts a list of TableRow widgets.
- textBaseline – When aligning rows with text, this is the baseline to utilize.
- textDirection – The sequence in which the columns are arranged.
How To Use Tables in Flutter Source Code
child: Table(
border: TableBorder.all(color: Colors.red),
textBaseline: TextBaseline.alphabetic,
textDirection: TextDirection.rtl,
children: [
TableRow(children: [
TableRow(children: [
In brief, the source code above covers four properties: the border, textBaseline, textDirection, and finally the children. Now that the properties have been clearly defined above, it is quite simple to understand.
In conclusion, the official Google docs are the complete documentation of the Table widget properties definition. We only cover four of them in this blog post; those are the border, textBaseline, textDirection, and finally the children. I hope it will help you with how to use tables in Flutter and get you started right away. This concludes my blog post on how to use tables in Flutter. Thank you for reading, and if you found it useful, please share it with your friends.
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