We’re all familiar with Google as a search engine. Most often than not, we use it as a way to search for images, videos, news, websites, trends, etc. Other than that, we can also use it as a substitute for a calculator, weather forecast, currency converter, and games.
Now Google has these vertical search engines or specialized search engines. They don’t seem that much different compared to your standard Google search. Some of them are standalone and have their own URLs that you can type in your address bar. Going directly to these specialized search engines saves more time than having to filter out unnecessary words in the main search engine.
In this blog, we will be teaching you how to use Google News.
First step is accessing Google News in your desktop. Go to your address bar and type in news.google.com.
You’ll be directed to its homepage:

Google News’ Homepage gathers a number of news from its different topics including from the For You Page and Following Page and showcases them here so you don’t have to click on different tabs and scroll down to get the news you wanted. Of course, it’s not guarantied that you’ll find the exact topic you were searching for.
The For You Page is like any other website’s FYP. They’ll recommend topics based on your interests.

And then the Following Page shows news based on which topic, location, and sources you follow. Some of them can also be found in the For You Page. In addition to that, there’s also a tab for your Saved Searches and Saved Stories.

Each tab contains news corresponding to their label; the tab on the farthest left will change depending on the country that you’re in. Philippines have news and topics about their country, World will have news outside of the country, Local will contain topics depending on the locations you add in there, etc etc.
They’re also equipped with a follow button that will have the topic you’re following appear on your Following Page and a share button on the right side.

Lastly, there’s always the search bar in case you’re looking for something specific.