Overclocking Your Monitor
Overclocking your monitor raises the refresh rate, which can improve the overall smoothness of your experience. Overclocking a monitor is simple, and in this article, we will go over how to do it, as well as the benefits and risks that come with it.
Overclocking using Nvidia
Overclocking is similar regardless of which graphics card is in your setup, but we will go over both below.
As previously stated, overclocking your monitor is relatively simple. To begin, navigate to your Nvidia control panel (right-click on your desktop). You should now be on the “Change Resolutions” page. Scroll down to the “Customize” box beneath “Resolution” on this page.
Next, select “Enable Resolutions Not Exposed by the Display” and then select “Create Custom Resolution.”
It is best to leave the settings alone and only change the “Refresh Rate” from here. Begin by increasing the amount by 5 Hz at a time, and keep in mind that most monitors, unless specifically stated otherwise, can go up to around 15Hz max. It’s worth noting that depending on your GPU, connection type (HDMI/DisplayPort), and monitor capabilities, this can be higher in some cases.
Overclocking using AMD
If you have an AMD card, go to your Radeon settings and click on “Create,” which is located next to “Custom Resolutions.” Regardless of whether you have AMD or Nvidia, you should only increase your refresh rate in 5Hz increments. Increase it until the signal is lost and the screen returns to a refresh rate that it can use, then go up in 1Hz increments to maximize the refresh rate.
Just like with any overclocking, go slowly at first. It’s tempting to go faster when overclocking your monitor, but that’s how things break. If you do it correctly, you’ll soon discover that you can have an even better viewing experience than before.