how to install python3 on Ubuntu 20.40
Requirements to install Python3:
- The system should be running on Ubuntu 20.04.
- The user should have root or “sudo” privileges.
- Terminal window/Command-line (Ctrl+Alt+T)
Installing python 3 using apt command
1.The first thing to do is to find out the version of python already installed in your system. Most factory version of Ubuntu 20.04 come with pre-installed python version. You can check the existing version using the command:
python3 –version
2. Open the Terminal/Command-line then type the following:
sudo apt update
3. Installing supporting software like software-properties-common gives the you the control over your package manager. You can install this by typing the command:
sudo apt install software-properties-common
4. You add Deadsnakes PPA, it let you install multiple Python versions on your Ubuntu system. You can add this using the command:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
5. You should refresh the package list:
sudo apt update
6. Finally you can now start the installation of Python and for this we will be installing Python 3.8:
sudo apt install python3.8
7. To make sure that the installation is complete you can check by using:
python3 –version
The output should be Python 3.8 and you are ready to go. Python 3.8 is successfully installed in your system.