When trying to send email to a gmail account through postfix you can see an error like this in the postfix logs /var/log/maillog :
Mar 10 14:16:22 mail.nucleiotechnologies.com postfix/smtp[35387]: connect to smtp.gmail.com[2404:6800:4008:c07::6c]:587: Network is unreachable
Solution for IPv4
If you want to use IPv4 instead, then you should edit the Postfix configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/postfix/main.cf
And change inet_protocols = all to inet_protocols = ipv4 and restart or reload Postfix:
sudo service postfix restart
Solution for IPv6
A common cause is because of wrong IPv6 settings. Correct your IPv6 settings and try again. Example IPv6 configs are shown below,
vi /etc/network/interfaces
For example:
iface eth0 inet6 static
address 2a00:d880:0:10::xxxx:xxxx
netmask 64
gateway 2a00:d880:0:10::1
up ip -6 addr add 2a00:d880:0:10::xxxx:xxxx/64 dev eth0
up ip -6 addr add 2a00:d880:0:10::xxxx:xxxx/64 dev eth0
up ip -6 addr add 2a00:d880:0:10::xxxx:xxxx/64 dev eth0
up ip -6 addr add 2a00:d880:0:10::xxxx:xxxx/64 dev eth0
Sample IPv6 configuration for CentOS:
vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
For example:
IPV6ADDR_SECONDARIES="2a00:d880:0:10::xxxx:xxxx/64 2a00:d880:0:10::xxxx:xxxx/64 2a00:d880:0:10::xxxx:xxxx/64 2a00:d880:0:10::xxxx:xxxx/64"
Reference: https://www.e2enetworks.com/help/knowledge-base/howto-fix-postfixsmtp-network-is-unreachable-error/