Removing a Pull Request: A Step-by-Step Guide

Photo taken by Markus Winkler

In the world of collaborative software development, pull requests play a vital role in reviewing and merging code changes. However,
there are instances when you need to remove a pull request. In this blog post, we will walk you through the process of removing a pull request using the active voice. Let’s dive in!

Closing a pull request:

1.       Go to the repository where the pull request is located.

2.       Navigate to the “Pull requests” tab.

3.       Find the specific pull request you want to remove and open it.

4.       At the top-right corner of the pull request page, you should see a “Close pull request” button. Click on it.

5.       Confirm the action when prompted.

Deleting the branch associated with the pull request:

1.       Go to the repository where the pull request is located.

2.       Click on the “Code” or “Files” tab.

3.       Locate the branch associated with the pull request. Usually, it’s named after the feature or the branch you created for the pull request.

4.       Next to the branch name, you should see a trash can or delete icon. Click on it.

5.       Confirm the deletion when prompted.


In situations where a pull request needs to be removed from a code repository, taking appropriate actions is crucial. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can confidently close a pull request or delete the associated branch. Remember to carefully consider the implications of removing a pull request, as it permanently eradicates the changes and any discussions surrounding them. Happy coding!

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