12 Excel Functions That Everyone Should Know

Microsoft Excel provides a plethora of capabilities that enable you to do tasks without the use of a calculator or additional labor. However, if you’re not familiar with formulae, it might be scary. To help you start, we’ve compiled a list of 12 simple yet important Excel functions.

Add Numbers in Cells: SUM

Adding numbers is one of the most fundamental operations you can do with them. In Excel, you may add numbers in cells by using the SUM function.

SUM(value1, value2,…) is the syntax, where value1 is necessary and value2 is optional. As a result, you may use a number, a cell reference, or a cell range for each argument.

To add the numbers in cells A2 through A10, for example, type the following and click Enter: =SUM(A2:A10)

SUM function in Excel
The result is then shown in the cell holding the formula.

2. Average Numbers in Cells: AVERAGE

Another popular mathematical operation is averaging a bunch of integers.

The AVERAGE function in Excel has the same syntax as the SUM function, AVERAGE(value1, value2,…), with value1 necessary and value2 optional. For the parameters, you can enter cell references or ranges.

To average the numbers in cells A2 through A10, you would enter the following formula and press Enter: =AVERAGE(A2:A10)

AVERAGE function in Excel
The result is then shown in the cell holding the formula.

3. Find the High or Low Value: MIN and MAX

The MIN and MAX functions are used to discover the least and greatest value in a range of cells.

These functions have the same syntax as the others, MIN(value1, value2,…) and MAX(value1, value2,…), with value1 mandatory and value2 optional.

To find the minimum, lowest value, in a group of cells, enter the following replacing the cell references with your own. Then, hit Enter: =MIN(B2:B10)

And to find the maximum, highest value, use: =MAX(B2:B10)

MIN and MAX functions in Excel
The formula will then display the least or biggest number in the cell.

4. Find the Middle Value: MEDIAN

You could choose the intermediate number instead of the lowest or maximum.

The syntax is the same, as you might expect, MEDIAN(value1, value2,…), with the first parameter obligatory and the second optional.

For the middle value in a range of cells enter the following and press Enter: =MEDIAN(A2:A10)

MEDIAN function in Excel
The middle number of your cell range will then appear.

5. Count Cells Containing Numbers: COUNT

Perhaps you’d want to count the number of cells in a range that contains numbers. You would use the COUNT function for this.

COUNT(value1, value2,…) has the same syntax as the previous two functions, with the first parameter obligatory and the second optional.

To count the number of cells that contain numbers in the range A1 through B10, you would enter the following and press Enter: =COUNT(A1:B10)

COUNT function in Excel
The count is then displayed in the cell holding the formula.

6. Insert the Current Date and Time: NOW

Use the NOW function in Excel to display the current date and time anytime you open your spreadsheet.

Because the function requires no parameters, the syntax is NOW(). You may, however, change the current date and time if you choose.

To return the current date and time, enter the following and press Enter: =NOW()

To return the date and time five days in the future from the current date and time, enter this formula and hit Enter: =NOW()+5

NOW function in Excel
And here are the results for each of the above formulae.

7. Round to a Certain Number of Digits: ROUND

If you wish to round up or down decimal integers in your spreadsheet, utilize Excel’s ROUND function.

ROUND(value1, digits) is the syntax, and both arguments are necessary. Use the amount you wish to round for value1. For digits, round the number to the number of decimal places.

For example, to round the number 2.25 up one decimal place, enter the following and press Enter: =ROUND(2.25,1)

ROUND function in Excel
And you’ve got your results. To round down, simply use a negative value in the digits argument.

8. Truncate a Number by Removing the Fraction: TRUNC

Perhaps you’d rather truncate a number than round it. You may remove the fraction from the number using the TRUNC function.

TRUNC(value1, digits) is the syntax, with value1 mandatory and digits optional. If no digits are entered, the default value is zero.

So, to truncate the number 7.2 you would enter the following and press Enter: =TRUNC(7.2)

TRUNC function in Excel
The number seven would be the outcome of this calculation.

9. Find the Product by Multiplying Cells: PRODUCT

When multiplying several cells, the PRODUCT function is more efficient than the multiplication symbol (*) in a formula.

PRODUCT(value1, value2,…) is the syntax, with value1 necessary and value2 optional. If necessary, you can use value1 for the cell range and value2 for an extra cell range.

To find the product of cells A2 through A10, you would enter the following and hit Enter: =PRODUCT(A2:A10)

PRODUCT function in Excel
As you can see, this is far more straightforward than typing A2 * A3 * A4 and so on.

10. Use the Reference Number of a Given Cell: COLUMN and ROW

In Excel, the COLUMN and ROW functions may be used to return the position number of a cell. These functions are excellent for entering a succession of reference numbers or row numbers into your document, for example.

Where the argument is not necessary, the syntax is COLUMN(reference) and ROW(reference). If no arguments are supplied, the formula returns the reference to the cell containing the formula.

For example, if you enter the following formula into cell B2, the result would be 2 because B2 is in the second row. =ROW()

But if you enter the following formula with an argument, you’ll receive the reference number for the cell. =ROW(C5)

ROW function in Excel
As you can see, the answer is 5 because C5 is in the fifth row.

11. Eliminate White Space: TRIM

When you paste or import data, it frequently contains additional spaces. White space is removed using the TRIM function.

The syntax is TRIM(reference), where reference is the cell reference holding the data.

To remove extra spaces from cell A1, you would enter the following and hit Enter: =TRIM(A1)

TRIM function in Excel
The data in your referenced cell will now be shown without the leading and following spaces.

12. Count the Number of Characters in a String: LEN

Perhaps you need to determine the number of characters in a text string. In this case, you’d utilize Excel’s LEN function.

LEN(reference) with the parameter necessary for the cell reference holding the text is the syntax.

To find the number of characters in cell A1, enter the following formula and press Enter: =LEN(A1)

LEN function in Excel
The result is 25 because “Use the data from Finance” contains that number of characters and note that spaces are counted as characters.


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