What is Dart?
Dart is an open source language developed in Google with the aim of allowing developers to use an object-oriented language with static type analysis. Since the first stable release in 2011, Dart has changed quite a bit, both in the language itself and in its primary goals. With version 2.0, Dart’s type system went from optional to static, and since its arrival, Flutter has become the main target of the language.
Difference of dart to other Languages
Unlike many languages, Dart was designed with the goal of making the development process as comfortable and fast as possible for developers. So it comes with a fairly extensive set of built-in tools such as its own package manager, various compilers / transpilers, a parser and formatter. Also, the Dart virtual machine and Just-in-Time build make code changes immediately executable.
Once in production, the code can be compiled in native language, so no special environment is required to run. In case of web development, Dart is transpiled into JavaScript.
As for the syntax, Dart’s is very similar to languages like JavaScript, Java and C ++, so learning Dart by knowing one of these languages is a matter of hours.
In addition, Dart has great support for asynchrony, and working with generators and iterables is extremely easy.
Applications of Dart
Dart is a general-purpose language, and you can use it for almost anything:
- In web applications, using the art library: html and the transpiler to transform the Dart code into JavaScript, or using frameworks like AngularDart.
- On servers, using the art: http and art: io libraries. There are also several frameworks that can be used, such as Aqueduct.
- In console applications.
- In mobile applications thanks to Flutter.