PHP Artisan is the command line interface which was included in Laravel. It gives few commands that will users develop their application easier. Some of the most used commands are:
$ php artisan --version
This will help you view the current version of your Laravel. In order to see the list of Artisan commands, use:
$ php artisan list
To run laravel project on your browser,
$ php artisan serve
To setup the application key,
$ php artisan key:generate
To clear all the cache of the application,
$ php artisan cache:clear
To clear all the route cache,
$ php artisan route:clear
To create an auth function in your application,
$ php artisan make:auth
To migrate your table,
$ php artisan migrate
To insert a new seeder into your table in database,
$ php artisan db:seed
To drop all the tables from the database and execute the migrate command,
$ php artisan migrate:fresh