If you’re familiar with Silicon Valley in San Fransisco , CA to which home of many start-ups and global technological companies like Apple, Google and Facebook are located, you might also wonder if such alike place is present in the our country. And to tell you the answer – yes, it does. However in comparison, technological hubs in our country are still far from that of Silicon Valley.
Below are the Technological Hubs in the Philippines:
UP – Ayala Land TechnoHub
This Techno Hub is developed in collaboration with the Philippines’ leading academic institution, the University of the Philippines, is PEZA-registered and perfect for BPO businesses. UP-Ayala Land Technohub is a booming campus development in Quezon City, about 15 kilometers north of Makati City, with all the support facilities and services necessary for technical and scientific businesses. It is envisioned as an community integrated to science-and- technology companies creating a dynamic learning and entrepreneurial laboratory at the very home of young and brilliant minds who would like to start a business.
Cebu IT Park (formerly known as Asia Town IT Park)
It is a 27-hectare mixed-use business park in Cebu City, Philippines, that aims to attract information technology service providers. Thousands of people are employed by a broad mix of multinational and local software research and development businesses, BPOs, and contact centers, which bring in millions of pesos in investments.