Organizing Your Odoo Module: Understanding the File and Directory Structure

In this article, we’ll explore the typical directory and file structure of an Odoo module, including the purpose of each file and directory. By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to organize your code and resources for your Odoo module.

  • This file tells Python that the directory is a Python package.
  • This file is required for all Odoo modules and contains metadata about the module, such as the module name, version, dependencies, author, and description.
  • models/: This directory contains the Python classes that define the data model for the module.
  • views/: This directory contains the XML files that define the user interface for the module, such as forms, lists, and reports.
  • security/: This directory contains the XML files that define the security rules for the module, such as access rights and permissions.
  • data/: This directory contains the XML files that define the initial data to be loaded into the database when the module is installed.
  • static/: This directory contains the static files used by the module, such as images, CSS, and JavaScript files.
  • tests/: This directory contains the Python files that define the automated tests for the module.
  • wizard/: This directory contains the Python classes that define the wizards used by the module, which are dialog boxes that guide users through a specific process or task.
  • report/: This directory contains the Python classes that define the custom reports used by the module.

Understanding the file and directory structure of an Odoo module is essential for building maintainable and efficient modules. Use the file and directories such as models, views, security, data, static, tests, wizard, and report to organize your code and resources effectively.

Note: The file and directory structure described in this article represents a typical organization for an Odoo module. However, this structure may vary depending on the specific needs of your module and your development workflow. It’s always a good practice to follow the Odoo coding guidelines and to consult the Odoo documentation for best practices and recommendations.


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