How to Setup Flutter and a Virtual Emulator in VS Code

Setting Up Your Flutter Playground

Ever wanted to test your Flutter app on a virtual device without needing a physical smartphone? This guide will teach you how to download and configure a virtual emulator for Flutter development in your VS Code environment. By following these steps, you’ll be able to run and test your apps on various simulated devices, ensuring a smooth development experience.

Downloading Flutter and Virtual Emulator For VS Code

  1. Download and install Flutter SDK in their official website
  2. After installing, go to its installation folder and head to bin and copy its path.
  3. Search for Edit environment variables for your account. After that, navigate in the Path/New, paste the bin file path, and click Ok.

  4. Open command prompt by searching it in the Start and type flutter doctor and it will show you the requirements that you still need to download.
  5. Head to your preferred browser to download and install Android Studio. Accept the licenses showed in the photo and click finish.
  6. Open an empty project and head to Tools/SDK Manager to download your emulator. Go to the SDK Tools and check Android SDK Command-line Tools(latest) and click apply
  7. After step 6, head to command prompt and type doctor –android-licenses. It will prompt a lot of licenses and type Y every time to accept.
  8. Head to the VS Code extensions and download Flutter. After installation, create an empty Flutter project for the emulator that will be installed later.
  9. Head to the empty project opened earlier in Android Studio and open the Device Manager in Tools/Device Manager. Click create device and select your preferred Android version and proceed to download.
  10. Go to Android Studio’s settings/tools/emulator and uncheck “Launch in a tool window” to pop the emulator and click apply.
  11. Congratulations! You now have your own Android Emulator running in VS Code for efficient Flutter Development.

    That’s it! You’re now all set to use a virtual emulator right within your VS Code environment for seamless Flutter development.

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