This list is some of the basic Ubuntu commands that every beginner should know.
1. sudo
The sudo (SuperUser DO) Linux command, similar to Windows’ “Run as administrator,” allows you to run programs or other commands with administrative privileges.
2. apt-get ( sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade, sudo apt-get install, sudo apt-get remove )
Any package can be installed, updated, upgraded, or removed using this command.
3. ls
ls (list) command lists all files and folders in your current working directory.
4. cd
cd (change director”) Linux command also known as chdir used to change the current working directory.
5. rm
rm (remove) command removes the specified file.
6. pwd
pwd (print working directory) Ubuntu command displays the full pathname of the current working directory.
7. cp
cp (copy) Linux command allows you to copy a file.
8. mkdir
mkdir (make directory) command allows you to create a new directory.
9. df
df (display filesystem) command displays information about all mounted filesystems’ disk space usage.
10. du
du (directory usage) command displays the size of a directory and all of its subdirectories.