LinkedIn is a social network that is set on career development and professional networking. We can use LinkedIn to display our resume, search for jobs, and enhance your professional reputation by posting updates and interacting with other people. It is a professional networking site that is designed to help people make business connections, share their experiences and resumes, and find jobs.
LinkedIn is free, but a subscription version called LinkedIn Premium offers additional features like online classes and seminars, as well as insights into who’s searching for and viewing your profile. It is somehow similar to Facebook you can spread your connections by posting updates, sharing and liking content, and instant messaging other users. LinkedIn also puts a professional spin on ideas you know from Facebook. Your profile, for example, becomes a resume, complete with work experience, accomplishments, recommendations, and referrals from colleagues.
What can we see on LinkedIn?
- Home
On this page, we can see posts made by other LinkedIn users and we can make our posts that others can also see, like, comment on and share.
- My Network
On this page, we can see the existing network of our connections and search for other LinkedIn users to invite to join our network.
- Jobs
We can search for a job on this page, apply and get information about companies we are interested in.
- Messaging
It is an instant messaging platform where we can send messages to people in our network.
- Me
We can show our career history by posting our work, experience, accomplishments, education, and more. We can see our profile which looks like a resume.