Use a full-service internet security suite
For example, Norton Security protects you against existing and upcoming threats, such as ransomware and viruses, in real time, and helps you secure your personal and financial information when you go online.
Use strong passwords
Don’t use the same password on many sites, and change your passwords on a frequent basis. Make them more complicated. This necessitates the use of at least ten letters, numbers, and symbols. A password management program can assist you in keeping your credentials secure.
Keep your software updated
This is particularly crucial when it comes to your operating system and internet security software. To obtain access to your system, cybercriminals usually employ known vulnerabilities, or holes, in your software. By patching such vulnerabilities and holes, you may reduce your chances of becoming a cybercrime target.
Manage your social media settings
Keep your personal and confidential information secure. With just a few data points, social engineering fraudsters may typically obtain your personal information, thus the less you give publicly, the better. If you publish your pet’s name or your mother’s maiden name, for example, you risk revealing the answers to two typical security questions.
Strengthen your home network
Starting with a strong encryption password and a virtual private network is a smart idea. All traffic leaving your devices is encrypted until it reaches its destination, thanks to a VPN. If fraudsters manage to get into your connection line, they will only be able to read encrypted data. When using a public Wi-Fi network, whether at a library, café, hotel, or airport, it’s a good idea to utilize a VPN.
Talk to your children about the internet
You don’t have to shut down communication channels to teach your children about safe internet use. Make sure kids understand that they may come to you if they are being harassed, stalked, or bullied online.
Keep up to date on major security breaches
Find out what information the hackers acquired and change your password immediately if you conduct business with a merchant or have an account on a website that has been hacked.
Take measures to help protect yourself against identity theft
Identity theft happens when someone illegally gets your personal information through deceit or fraud, usually for financial benefit. How? For example, you might be duped into supplying personal information through the internet, or a burglar could take your mail to gain access to account information. That is why it is critical to protect your personal information. A VPN, or virtual private network, can help safeguard the data you send and receive over the internet, particularly when using public Wi-Fi.
Know that identity theft can happen anywhere
Even when traveling, it’s a good idea to know how to secure your identity. There are some things you can take to assist prevent fraudsters from obtaining your personal information when traveling. These include not posting your vacation intentions on social media and utilizing a VPN while using your hotel’s Wi-Fi network to access the internet.
Keep an eye on the kids
You’ll want to discuss the internet with your children, and you’ll also want to assist them in avoiding identity theft. Children are commonly targeted by identity thieves because their Social Security numbers and credit records are generally blank slates. When it comes to sharing your child’s personal information, you may assist prevent identity theft by being cautious. It’s also a good idea to be aware of the signs that your child’s identity has been compromised.
Know what to do if you become a victim
If you suspect you’ve been a victim of cybercrime, you should contact your local police department, as well as the FBI and the Federal Trade Commission in some circumstances. Even if the offense appears small, this is critical. Your report might help authorities with their investigations or prevent crooks from exploiting other individuals in the future. If you believe your identity has been stolen by cybercriminals. These are some of the measures you should think about.
- Contact the companies and banks where you know fraud occurred.
- Place fraud alerts and get your credit reports.
- Report identity theft to the FTC.