Google Analytics: All Versions Explained

Photo Captured by Lukas

Google provides Google Analytics, a web analytics service that enables website owners and marketers to track and analyze various aspects of website performance, user behavior, and marketing effectiveness. Using Google Analytics, users can gain valuable insights into website interaction, aiding in data-driven decision-making for optimizing online presence and improving business outcomes.

Evolution of google analytics

  1. Google Analytics Classic (Original Version):
    • Release Date: November 2005
    • Description: Google Analytics Classic, the initial version, offered basic web analytics capabilities for tracking and reporting website data.
    • Key Changes: It introduced essential features such as pageviews, sessions, visitors, traffic sources, and goal tracking, providing insights into website traffic and user behavior.
    • Comparison: Compared to later versions, Google Analytics Classic had limited customization options and lacked advanced tracking capabilities.
  2. Google Analytics 360 (formerly Google Analytics Premium):
    • Release Date: October 2011
    • Description: Google Analytics 360, the enterprise-level version, provides advanced features, scalability, and dedicated support.
    • Key Changes: It introduced features such as unsampled reporting, BigQuery integration, custom funnels, advanced attribution modeling, and higher data collection limits. It also offers enhanced support and service level agreements (SLAs).
    • Comparison: Google Analytics 360 caters to larger enterprises with more extensive analytics needs, offering advanced analysis tools, improved data handling, and dedicated support.
  3. Google Analytics Universal Analytics:
    • Release Date: March 2012
    • Description: Universal Analytics, an upgraded version, introduced cross-device tracking and more customization options.
    • Key Changes: It introduced the Measurement Protocol for tracking data from various devices and offline sources. Universal Analytics also allowed for more flexibility with custom dimensions and metrics, enabling businesses to track specific user interactions.
    • Comparison: Universal Analytics expanded on the capabilities of the Classic version, providing cross-device tracking and enhanced customization options to better understand user behavior across multiple platforms.
  4. Google Analytics for Mobile Apps:
    • Release Date: October 2012
    • Description: Google Analytics for Mobile Apps is a specialized version designed for tracking and analyzing user behavior within mobile applications.
    • Key Changes: It introduced features specific to mobile app analytics, including in-app event tracking, user attribution, crash reporting, and real-time reporting. It provided insights into user engagement and app performance.
    • Comparison: Google Analytics for Mobile Apps focused on mobile-specific metrics and user interactions within mobile applications, offering specialized tracking capabilities tailored to the unique needs of mobile app developers.
  5. Google Analytics 4 (GA4):
    • Release Date: October 2020
    • Description: Google Analytics 4, the latest version, offers a new approach to tracking and analyzing user behavior across websites and apps.
    • Key Changes: GA4 introduced a privacy-centric data model, cross-platform measurement, AI-powered insights, enhanced event tracking, and improved reporting capabilities. It focused on providing a more holistic view of user journeys across multiple touchpoints.
    • Comparison: GA4 represents a significant update from previous versions, emphasizing privacy, cross-platform measurement, and machine learning-powered insights. It offers a more intuitive reporting interface and encourages businesses to adopt a more forward-looking approach to analytics.


Each version of Google Analytics builds upon the previous one, introducing new features and enhancements to address evolving user needs and technological advancements. Factors such as the size of the business, analytics requirements, customization needs, and preference for advanced features or dedicated support determine the choice of the appropriate version.

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