Gene editing can have great benefits when “bad” genes are detected – genes that could endanger the health of an organism or its descendants. These negative features might theoretically be changed thanks to modern gene-editing technologies. In this approach, gene editing has the potential to make significant advances in the battle against illness in humans, animals, and crops. While gene-editing technologies may be used to make minor modifications to DNA, synthetic biology entails sewing vast strands of DNA together and putting them into an organism. As a result, the organism’s behavior may change or it may acquire whole new skills.
difference between synthetic biology and genome editing
Although both require modifying an organism’s genetic code, synthetic biology and “genome editing” are comparable in certain aspects; nevertheless, some individuals distinguish between the two techniques based on how that change is done. Long segments of DNA are often stitched together and inserted into an organism’s genome in synthetic biology. These manufactured DNA fragments might represent genes from other creatures or they could be completely new. Scientists often employ genome editing techniques to make minor modifications to an organism’s DNA. Small regions of DNA in the genome can also be deleted or added using genome editing technologies.
5 Reasons Gene Editing Is Both Terrific and Terrifying
Curing disease
Doctors might cure a wide range of disorders, from heart disease to Alzheimer’s, by removing disease-causing genes.
Stopping inherited disease in its tracks
Diseases that are handed down via families, such as Huntington’s and Tay-Sachs, may one day be plucked from the gene pool.
Creating a better you
Designer babies might potentially be created through gene editing. Muscle mass, eye color, height, and memory are examples of traits influenced by a limited number of genes that would be the easiest to change.
Saving endangered species
The same technology used to edit human genes can be used on animals.
Resurrecting extinct species
Gene editing might potentially be used to bring ancient species back to life, or at least sections of them, by combining genes from extinct species with genes from living species. The Long Now Foundation, which supports these scientific initiatives, intends to bring back the passenger pigeon first, followed by the wooly mammoth.