A front-end developer’s main duty is to make sure website users can readily interact with the page. They manage this by combining design, technology, and programming to code a website’s layout and handle debugging. Everything you see, click on or utilize when visiting a website is a front-end developer’s creation. The tools and programming language that are usually used by a front-end developer was discussed below:
Because front-end developers use a combination of design and web development in their work, the tools they use span across these areas of focus.
- Graphic Design Tools
Front-end developer often uses graphic design tools to construct a prototype of their website before they start writing code. Before writing the actual code, they can utilize this to test and experiment with the user interface.
The process could be as simple as using a pencil and paper, depending on the team size and project scope, or it could require graphics editing software like Sketch or Photoshop, prototyping tools like Balsamiq Mockups, or more advanced graphics editing software like Figma or Illustrator.
- Code Editing Tools
The software a front-end developer selects to write the website’s code using is known as a code editing tool. A simple editor like Notepad is preferred by some developers, whereas Eclipse or Visual Studio, which are both more feature-rich, are preferred by others.
Before you decide on a code editor, try a few different ones to see which one you work with best.
Programming Language
Most front-end developers spend a great deal of their time working in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, making proficiency in each key to their success.
- How Developers Use Each Programming Language
Front-end developers employ HTML to lay out a document’s overall structure and content, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for conditions that call for advanced interactivity. Additionally, they might employ AJAX (a fusion of JavaScript and XML) to update particular sections of a website without refreshing the entire page.
- Libraries and Frameworks
Along with design frameworks like Foundation and Bootstrap, front-end developers frequently use libraries created using these programming languages, such as AngularJS, jQuery, and React. Better modularity and power are offered by CSS extensions like SASS.
- Additional Front End Development Languages
Less frequently, front-end developers may also use Python, Ruby, or PHP to efficiently connect data with the website’s back end.
What does a front-end web developer do? Berkeley Boot Camps. (2021, June 16). Retrieved September 6, 2022, from https://bootcamp.berkeley.edu/resources/coding/learn-web-development/what-does-a-front-end-web-developer-do/